Best ReactJS Projects for Beginners

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Aiming to master front-end frameworks? Start learning ReactJS diligently and look forward to a great career in programming. The best way to move forward is to start building ReactJS projects for beginners and get hands-on with ReactJS.

By working on smaller real-life projects, you can master theoretical concepts and get ready for the professional development challenges. Once you have successfully deployed your ReactJS apps you can present those achievements to your future employers and get your dream job.

Building ReactJS projects for beginners will not only allow you to strengthen up React skills but also will help you explore your creative sides as a developer. Also, it will make you familiar with React developer tools and react ecosystem for each project as per the need for that project.

React project development is a self-directed process. You’ll have to learn on a trial and error basis. Unlike the basics of React via online learning materials, there’ll not be much to guide you on building React projects.

But still, there is numerous content online that teaches the basic core steps of app development, along with the source code.

As a beginner, ReactJS project development may seem challenging, but one can simplify the whole process by breaking down an application into smaller components. Try to focus on building one feature at a time, and keep connecting the dots as you move forward into the intricacies of development.

As you continue to practice with different React tools and ecosystems, you will understand the common patterns of app development and start identifying which tools work best for developing specific features of a React app.

Some Useful Points for ReactJS projects for beginners

1. When you start creating simple apps with Reactjs, it will be a great idea to pay attention to Redux and React-Router as well.

Redux is an open-source application state manager. It will help you to keep your application clean while you have to keep a lot of data.

React-Router is a library used with React.js to create and manage routes in single-page applications.

2. When you start practicing this framework, revise and master all your HTML, CSS, and Javascript skills.

3. With ReactJS, you can also use Bootstrap or any other CSS frameworks you prefer.

4. For REST API, you can use the JavaScript fetch method or external axios library.

5. For starting a new React.js project, you can use create-react-app.

By now you must be clear on requirements for building React apps. Let’s start React Learning Path about a few of the best ReactJS projects for beginners list-

ReactJS projects for beginners


ReactJS Projects for Beginners


1. E-Commerce Apps


E-commerce apps like Amazon, Flipkart, Nykaa, etc. have become an integral part of our lives. Every business owner is coming up with their own apps to survive the tough competition. So, if you have hands-on experience with building functional e-commerce react apps, it will make you more saleable in the development industry.

Keep in mind that we’re talking about developing a small e-commerce project that is focused more on a particular industry, you can choose any industry that interests you like- mobiles, TVs, laptops, etc. and develop your e-commerce app around that.

Your e-commerce app can ensure the delivery of products or services along with browsing products or services.

Also, customers can enjoy seamless customer service.


All-round customer support and good customer experience are two vital elements of any successful app, so make sure customers can enjoy seamless customer service with your ReactJS projects for beginners.

As far as features of the e-commerce app are concerned-

  1. Keep the layout and interface neat and easy-to-navigate,
  2. Include the location option for deliveries, add a shopping cart, and a wishlist.
  3. Make sure the checkout process incorporates the necessary authentication options (as a guest or registered user).

Technologies for e-commerce react apps:

  1. Create React App, or Gatsby are excellent for building the storefront that displays the products/services.
  2. Algolia is suitable for creating a lightning-fast product search interface.
  3. Netlify/AWS Lambda for handling the checkout process.
  4. Stripe/react-stripe-elements for managing the payment process.
  5. Snipcart allows you to create a cart and also manage the cart products.


2. Calculator


You can use the Create React App package to instantiate a directory to hold and run the calculator app.

The main idea behind this ReactJS projects for beginners is a calculator that can perform the essential functions of basic mathematical functions, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and percentage.

To create even a simple calculator, you must create a setup for all the different components, establish a mutual interactive platform, and also create a support system for handling failures, crashes, and bugs.


3. Weather App


This is a perfect ReactJS project for beginners, where you can code it in a matter of a few hours! For this app, you can leverage fake, hard-coded data until you get all the features correct.

While developing this weather app, you will learn how to connect to an external API and display the appropriate results. This practical skill will come in very handy when you develop other kinds of single-page apps that are designed to fetch data from external sources and display the outcomes.

In this, you have to build a weather app that can display a 5-day weather forecast with all the basic functions, including city name, current weather icon, temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. It must display the recording of high and low temperatures of each day, including images for sunny/ rainy/ cloudy/ snowy weather conditions.

It should have a responsive design and refresh every 5 minutes with exact temperature and weather conditions.

After getting key functionalities in place, you can expand the app in the following ways:

  1. Include the functionality where the user can click on a particular day of the week to see the hourly forecast.
  2. Add React Router to the app (npm install react-router). Check out the quickstart guide to add routes. For instance- routes that can display the 5-day forecast, along with the name-of-day and the hourly forecast for that day.
  3. Sign up on the open weather map to obtain a free API key and to fetch a 5-day forecast, then feed this data in your app.
  4. If you wish to make the app more attractive, you can add a graphics library like VX.



  1. NodeJS and Bower are perfect for this app.
  2. Gulp Task Runner and SASS CSS pre-processor can be used.
  3. You can check Erik Flowers for weather icons, and for “require” modules, you can use Browserify.


4. Messaging App


Instant messaging is part of our social lives as much it is a part of every business associations or correspondences. Companies big or small use instant messaging to provide 24×7 customer support to their customers.

Messaging apps are hugely popular and a great option for ReactJS lovers to build their first ReactJS projects for beginners. Also, building a messaging app is one of the best ways to monetize your React skills.

Real-time is the essence of instant messaging. The first thing to consider in mobile-based messaging apps is that you have to facilitate smooth conversation between 2 or more people in real-time.

You can use tools like Firebase or Hasura that transport data via WebSockets to display messages immediately in a conversation.

React Native is an ideal choice for this project.


  1. React Native or React Native Web as both are excellent for developing mobile messaging apps and hybrid (web + mobile) messaging apps.
  2. Firebase, AWS Amplify, or Hasura for sending and receiving messages in real-time.
  3. Cloudinary or Firebase storage for sending/receiving messages with image or video content.
  4. npm emoji-mart package for emojis.


5. Simple CRM


One of the easiest ReactJS projects for beginners using React.js is CRM. In this ReactJS project, you can list customers and the projects or meetings, add options for filtering and sorting by different values, add a new user, and a button to delete the user as well.

The amount of additional features depends on you. Using Bootstrap is an excellent idea for this project because you will have lots of ready elements to create components.

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